Get your business online ASAP
This is where a business has launched a new offering or service, that doesn’t fit with their existing audience, and the language and methodology isn’t resonating.
You can absolutely add a new online service or delivery method to your revenue streams, whilst working at home. And this doesn’t have to be a full platform build.
In the first of our posts about getting online once you are set up to work remotely, these steps are great for freelancers, fitness professionals, yoga teachers and anyone who runs regular weekly sessions.
1. Pause Before Pivoting
Creating a panic pivot from a place of fear can be very risky.
There are easy ways to get online, like our off-platform launch in under 1 week, yet you still need some sort of strategy.
In other words take a breath and from a place of opportunities look what you could be offering.
2. Projected Revenue
This is again why we pause before doing an online pivot, as you will need to have an idea within your existing audience, what the potential revenue generation can be.
If you are looking to go beyond your existing audience, what is the marketing spend?
3. Tech Requirements/ Support
There are many simple ways to get online quickly, and our Launch in 1 week option is one of these.
It focuses on keeping things simple, with low tech options and choosing the basic packages with options like Zoom, but it does mean that for group sessions you need to keep to under 40 mins duration.
Map out what you are looking to create if not learning from someone before signing up and purchasing.
4. Integration
The part that trips most people up, to get one system to talk to each other automatically, without you manually spending hours trying to process.
The easiest way to start the process, is once you know the tech you want to use, search their site for an integrations page to see if it is a system already supported and integrated.
If not, you are going to have to consider how to do this.