Caring For Your Mindset During Social Distancing
How are you doing, how is your mindset during social distancing? Is it impacting your mood?
Has your business been impacted? How are you dealing with team and staff members?
HELL YES there are so many questions, so many unknowns during this time of lockdown change. Maybe you can relate to some of the above questions, maybe you’ve asked them yourself? Maybe you are feeling isolated and alone.
Managing multiple international businesses including French Wedding Style, we have been experiencing a plethora of emotions on a daily basis, and some have you running to the fridge or to open the next packet of biscuits.
One thing that isn’t an unknown is the care that is needed to be taken for your mindset right now. Even if social distancing from family, friends and your business team, or jam packed into a small space, a strong mindset doesn’t discriminate on conditions.
The fear, the anxiety based on fear of the future, can be heavy right now, so here are 5 ways to care for your mindset and that of your team.
5 ways to care for your mindset during social distancing
When we talk about mindset, it isn’t about being super positive or ra ra happy all of the time BUT it is about identifying patterns of behaviour that aren’t serving you and how to adapt and change them.1. Journaling
This is not Coronavirus specific, but over in the online success club ElevateYOU , journaling is a practice that is a core principle in mindset alignment.
If you have never journaled before, put pen to paper and sort through ideas, frustrations, fears, feelings and any intense emotion or experience that you need to work through.
If you are a more experienced journaler, then focus on the learnings that you have received during lockdown. Ask questions:
- What can I learn about my business model due to Coronavirus?
- What can I learn about team structure/ motivation/ leadership during the lockdown?
- If I had the perfect business model and team in place before lockdown hit, what would it be?
2. Joy
Embrace joy and play.
There have been countless studies on the importance of play which connects with joy, creativity and innovation in the workplace and on mental wellness.
If you take those principles and apply them now to Coronavirus, creating and embracing joy is even more important. Notice also that we said creating joy.
So what on your schedule are you doing to creating joy and embrace play?
3. Goals
If you are a results driven person, then having a goal list that you achieve is part of your regular routine. The situation might be very different right now than in your normal business routine, however settings goals are still incredibly important.
They can be personal or business goals, small or medium goals that provide a challenge where you can focus your energy.
It isn’t the best time to be making large goals that are life changing, and if you do this, create a space to explore the new life changing goal in the coming weeks.

4. Focus on the Physical
Are you still in shock at how quickly the lockdown came? Did you stop doing everything that you normally do and raided the treats box instead? How is your sleep?
Your mind is processing, working out millions of permutations of what could happen and how to keep people safe. Our minds are our biggest muscle and when they are being worked hard, we need to also focus on the physical parts of our wellbeing.
So yes get up and move. If you are not in total lockdown go for 1 walk a day, or set step goals and walk around your home or garden. There are many online fitness programmes available from online personal training sessions to yoga membership that you can do at your leisure from your home.
Make sure that you are ordering healthy food, and drinking enough water whilst also limiting alcohol consumption. It can be so easy to slump into unhealthy comfort eating and habits, as they give us that quick dopamine hit, that makes us feel good momentarily.
Focus instead on all things physical which will aid your mindset.
5. Future Focus
As we’ve said, this too will pass. Make sure to allocate time every day to focus on a time and a place in the future, once lockdown has passed and the world has found balance in its new normal. You could do this in mild hypnosis, have a dream or sit and watch the sky.
Be in this time in the future and consider who are you in this future? What do you look like? How are you behaving? Where are you living? What hobbies or activities are you doing?
Then take a moment to look at your business. What model is it running? Or models are you running? What team members do you have around you? Where is the business located? Who are you serving? What are the testimonials you have from during the lockdown time? What is the revenue? What are your profit margins?
When you spend time in the future focus state, if you desire to write down any observations in your journal. Draw. Paint. Doodle or simply write down words. This is a process and not a destination that you might find changes over the duration of lockdown and Coronavirus.